Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Reasons Why Batman is a Horrible Tweeter

Batman’s whole personality is not great for the social media world. Here are five reasons why one of the world’s most famous crime fighters is horrible at social media.


5 Reasons Why Batman is Horrible at Social Media


1. Hiding Behind a Mask - you need to be yourself on social media. Don’t make up a fake personality just to get followers. Don’t hide behind a mask (fake profile pic) or don’t take on someone else’s personality. Be the expert you can be, and show people the true you.

2. He is a Loner - Batman had very few friends growing up. He had no desire to interact with the outside world. You have to do the opposite on social media. Form relationships by following people.

Retweet the stuff you like, and send your followers stuff from your blog that you think they might like. By forming relationships, you become a trusted source of knowledge. People will then seek you out for your advice.

3. He Brings Out the Bad - Batman is like a double-edge sword. On the one hand he rids Gotham of bad people, but on the other hand he might be responsible for bringing those bad people to the City of Gotham.

Create and distribute quality posts and advice. Be an awesome resource for your followers. If you are not, you might just have spammers following you.

4. He Operates Mostly at Night - Batman’s office hours tend to be at night under the cover of darkness. That might not be a good thing to replicate. Look at your analytics. When are your customers or followers online? Create a editorial schedule to follow their social media patterns.

5. Why So Serious - Batman never, ever smiles. I have never heard him tell a joke. That’s not a good thing for social media. You need to lighten the mood a bit on social media. You can be funny. You are allowed to show your warm side. And to tell you the truth, most people prefer the people they follow to have a warm and happy personality.

Don’t be Batman on social media. Be yourself.  However, there are times you need to use your utility belt and adapt.

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