Saturday, January 24, 2015

4 Ways Your Social Media Post Should Be Like InTouch Magazine

When you construct your next social media post, think of InTouch Magazine and how they draw the reader to their publication.

Here are four ways to construct your posts like a tabloid magazine

1. A Catchy Headline - Do you have “Kim Caught Cheating” first line to draw in your reader? Your first words of your post needs to attract your reader to your post. Tell them what your post is about in a sexy, informational way. Think of all the Tweets or Facebook posts that are in their feed… you need something to stand out.

2. An Awesome Picture - We are a visual society. You must have some sort of visual in your post. Think of all those magazines on the grocery aisle. They have vivid, sexy pictures to turn your head to the magazine rack. Find a picture that matches your subject, but make sure it is engaging enough to have your readers stop at your post as they scan their feed.

3. Sub-Headlines are Hashtags - the mini headlines under the main headline are like the hashtags in your posts.  They define your story and give it a category. Look at the InTouch cover I attached in this post. Some of the keywords in the sub-headlines are: Affair, Kinky, Phone Sex and Wedding. Those caught my eye… I know exactly what the article is about. Do the same with your hashtags.

4. Your Link is Your Table of Contents - a magazine’s table of contents tells you exactly where to go to find the main story. You need to include a link in your post to send your reader to your blog post or additional content. You must have a Call to Action. Make that link count.

The next time you construct a post, think of InTouch Magazine.

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