Saturday, July 16, 2016

C.H.I.C.A.G.O: Getting the Most Out Of NSPRA 2016

As I was waiting in line for Chicago pizza last night, I realized I never posted my traditional NSPRA blog post I do each year.  I could have used a pizza metaphor for my post, but I ended up ditching the long line at the pizza joint and I ate at the hotel. Then it hit me when I was poking at my chicken, why not focus on the wonderful city of Chicago?

NSPRA is different for everyone, but I still feel there are some general things you can do to get the most from the conference. 

Here are my seven tips to have a successful NSPRA 2016… Chicago Style!!!

C.H.I.C.A.G.O Style

C – Challenge Yourself

Challenge yourself to breakaway from your tribe.  There are so many great minds at this year’s conference; you really need to challenge yourself to find them. Talk to everyone.  Make a connection.  Some of your best sessions will be the ones where you are sitting in the hotel lobby sipping on Starbucks coffee and talking with a fellow School PR friend.

H – Help Others

It is ok to share your ideas. We are all here to promote the awesome things happening in public education. Helping others will help you get better, and also fine-tune your creative ideas. And if you share with people, they are more likely to share with you.

I – Implement a Strategy

Make it a goal to take a strategy from a session you attended and make it your own.  It is not stealing… it is creative peer collaboration.  Find that one golden nugget that will help you transform one of your district’s communication goals from good to great.

C – Create a Plan

Have a plan each day to get the most from the conference.  What are your district’s goals? What sessions can you attend to make your district strategy and your own personal goals better? Don’t go to a session because it is the bright, new shiny trend. Go to a session because it’s going to help you get better.

A – Attack the Presenters

Not literally, but make sure you approach them after their session. If you attend a session that really aligns with your district strategy or you felt was just plain awesome, let the presenters know. They could have much more information after their session that they did not have time to go over in their allotted time. Make a contact, and have them send you their slides or additional information that will make you successful.

G – Go Social

To get the most out of your time at NSPRA 2016, you need to be in the social media loop.  Follow the important hashtags on Twitter: #schoolpr or #Nspra2016. Make sure to like NSPRA’s Facebook page.  They will be posting valuable content from presenters and presentations. And most importantly, interact with fellow conference goers.  Gain from their insights. Find their gold nuggets you can make your own.

O – Organize Your Notes

You brain is going to feel like it is going to explode each day with all the information you are going to receive.  And if your brain is anything like mine, you will have no clue what much of your notes mean because there was just so much information.  Your best bet is to go back to your hotel room each night and organize and make sense of your notes from each session.

Now go forth and conquer Chicago and NSPRA 2016! The power is in your hands. Make you school district proud!

Do you have additional tips you would like to share? Leave them in the comment section below