Thursday, December 18, 2014

You Are Using Your Twitter Favorite Button Wrong

Most people use the favorite button on Twitter for the reason you think you should use the favorite button… to favorite a Tweet. You are telling the author of the tweet that you like their stuff. You are giving them a thumbs up or a like that you might use on Facebook. But did you know there is much more power in the Twitter favorite then a simple Facebook like? Welcome to your Twitter File Database.

There is something very special that happens when you favorite a tweet on Twitter. Your favorites get stored in a special section on your account that you can access at anytime. Maybe you find a great article about 21st century learning someone tweets… Favorite it to read later. See an awesome recipe a company Tweeted out… Favorite it to recall for your next dinner party. There are many creative ways you can use the favorite.

In a sense you are creating a VIP database of the best things you find on Twitter. Favoriting a pic of the school assembly is nice, but favoriting the top five tips to pass STAAR has more power.  Power that you can access at anytime.

** Twitter Now Uses the HEART

Here is a step by step outline of how to use your favorite button:
  1. Favorite a tweet by clicking on the Heart Icon located on the tweet. This could be in various locations depending on what app you are using to access Twitter.
  2. Access you favorite list by clicking on you Account Icon that looks like a cartoon head.
  3. Click on Likes and Twitter will populate your favorites list.

 ** Items might be different locations depending how you access Twitter

Now you can use your favorite option as a smart alternative to bookmarking links and Tweets on your browser. Enjoy, and start favoriting.

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