Monday, December 15, 2014

The Power of the Period

A common rookie mistake when tweeting is to create a tweet using a user’s handle at the first of your conversation. For example:

“@cfbisd is awesome!!!”

The problem with starting a tweet with @cfbisd is that only the people who follow you and @cfbisd will see the tweet. That limits your conversation, and you might alienate many of your followers you want to reach.

There is a simple fix that will allow you to reach all of your followers, and all the people that follow the account you added to your tweet. Introducing the period...

By simply adding a period before the users name (.@cfbisd), you can reach many more people. Here is using in the same example above:

“.@cfbisd is awesome!!!”

Now by adding a period, many more people will be able to know the awesomeness of CFBISD.

Try it next time you tweet. It could open up a whole new world to your tweets.

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